Thematic Areas & Tracks

1. Sustainability in library operations

How can academic libraries adopt sustainable practices in their operations, such as energy conservation, waste reduction, and green building design?

3. Digital transformation and sustainability

How can academic libraries leverage digital technologies to become more sustainable and reduce their environmental footprint, such as through digitization, remote access, and online services?

5. Using AI for sustainability in library services

What are the opportunities and challenges created by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for academic libraries and how can academic libraries responsibly use AI?

7. Risk-management strategies for sustainable library collections

How academic libraries can adopt strategies to safeguard printed and electronic materials in their collections ranging from theft and mutilation to perpetual access?

9. Sustainable academic publishing practices

How do academic libraries get maximum of open access, open science and open research while effectively addressing the related legal and ethical issues including predatory publishing practices?

2. Supporting sustainability in learning and research

What role can academic libraries play in supporting sustainability learning and research in a changing environment, such as, providing access to relevant resources, developing new services and collections, and fostering partnerships for sustainability.

4. Teaching sustainability literacy

How can academic libraries teach and promote sustainability literacy to their communities, such as through library instruction, information/digital/media literacy programs, and outreach efforts?

6. Quality assurance, accreditation and policymaking for sustainability

How can academic libraries assess and improve their sustainability practices through accreditation, certification, and policymaking?

8. Professional education and development for sustainable library practices

How LIS education and professional development programs can provide knowledge and skills, promote innovation on sustainable library practices?