Introduction to ULA

Librarianship as a profession has surpassed the conventional definitions and has emerged over time. It has now vastly branched out into omni various categorical specializations such as management, knowledge management, research Librarianship and electronic resources management. The pandemic and the country’s economic crisis has put a dent on the services that we have been rendering to our library users. The advancement of technology and the need for big data management that has shifted from a single-source information generation to an all-source information paradigm has brought about the need for enhancements and developmental research to be carried out in the way data is managed and overall the way in which libraries are managed. With the use of social media and crowdsourcing platforms libraries have grown beyond the Orthodox limits in managing data. The incorporation of digital information has transcended the library resources to encapsulate hybrid materials as well as customary paper-based materials. Such technological dictates have validated libraries to adhere to and implement technology standards in maintaining management as well as maintenance. Bearing in mind these augmentations, the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka intends on organizing a one-day International Conference in collaboration with SCOLIS on ‘Connecting People through Transformative Libraries’ 2022.

Objectives of the Conference

The International Conference deliberates to concentrate library and information science professionals, academicians, and educationalists in the field of library and information science to generate a milieu to confer the requisite to transmute the libraries, roles being played by the library professionals in innovating the libraries, and to discourse the trials being faced by libraries in transforming the libraries by presenting papers, discussions, exchange of views and sharing experiences.

Conference Venue

