The 41st Annual General Meeting of University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka was held on the 27th of October, 2023, at the Rose Garden Hotel, Kadawatha. The Chief Guest of the inaugural session of the AGM was Senior Prof. Nilanthi De Silva, Vice Chancellor, University of Kelaniya. Prof. Sudath Kalingamudali, the Dean, Faculty of Science; Prof. Madawa Chandratilake, the Dean, Faculty of Medicine; Dr. Chamli Pushpakumara, the Dean, Faculty of Computing and Technology participated in the event as invitees. Fifty six current ULA members and several retired ULA members participated in the inaugural session.

Dr. W.M.T.D. Ranasinghe, the President of ULA, 2022/23, delivered the welcome speech. The Vice Chancellor, University of Kelaniya and Dr. C. C. Jayasundara, the Librarian, University of Kelaniya addressed the gathering. Ms. M. P. L. R. Marasinghe, General Secretary of ULA 2022/23, concluded the inaugural session of the AGM with a vote of thanks.
The ULA Annual Research and Innovation Awards were awarded at the AGM. The Best Research Paper Award for Senior Researchers and Junior Researchers was awarded to Ms. M. P. L. R. Marasinghe, Senior Assistant Librarian, University of Kelaniya and Mr. J. A. Ajith, Senior Assistant Librarian, University of Ruhuna, respectively, for the year 2023.

Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka (JULA), Vol. 26, Issue no. 02 and the biography of former librarians were launched at the AGM by Dr. Achala Ranaweera, the Editor of JULA and Ms. Thanuja Ranawella, the compiler of the biography respectively.